Monday, March 26

I just wanted to share Vanessa Beecroft! :)

At the moment I'm sat in the library writing an essay on the 1990s youth culture, 
a subject that is close to my heart!! 
Vanessa Beecroft is a huge part of this love <3

These are some images of hers from the 90s and some from closer to now
she exchanged notions between Visual art, fashion and had a 
strong voice about feminine image in society! :) 
Just love her challenge and outlook, of a define generation that is the 1990s.
Much love ppl x x x

Monday, March 19


This is just a little snap shot of my day in London town, 
after the 4.30am start yesterday, I trotter to the coach station and made my way to the capital
to help out at a photoshoot for Evans collaboration with Clements Ribeiro.

Clement Ribeiro (above in store collection image) just beautiful and have been endorsed by celebs: Adele, Madonna, Nicole Kidman, Kate Moss, Kristen Stewart, Demi Moore, Thandie Newton, Cameron Diaz, Eva Green, Cate Blanchett, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Jarvis Cocker, and Michael Stipe. (

isn't she beautiful, love the smudge look sweetheart!

the basic set for the lookbook shots, oh yeah and lunch!

I loved the collection of wigs that were present, there is something so creep
about them, also my shoes are a strong feature! :)

we're just hanging about, this is where we're meant to meet isn't it??

plus size model: Robyn 
stylist fashion: Victoria Young
(yep fashion editor of love magazine)

it was such an amazing day cant wait to see how the images turn out for the windows and the lookbook shots, the model was stunning and sexy as hell! such a refreshing low that light up the room and the camera loved her!

The company running the shot was Darling creative, you need to google these guys right now, they are a photographic agency and production company, their website is beautiful and the photographers they represent are out of this world! 

much love ppl x x x:)

Thursday, March 1

Off to London town!!! wish me luck!!!

 Today I'm venturing into London Town to have an interview about a Fashion Internship with an awesome PR agency based in Covent Garden, first dilemma was what to wear!!

The aim was something smart but not to dressy, I defo didn't want to look like I was going to an interview for a bank clerk position, how ever tempted I was to whip out my Davina Dress!!

So this is what I've gone for: A lace cream body suit by Etam- £1 
Tan Leather belt- 50p
Light grey polka dot skirt- £1 (all from Salli Army)
Brown 1940s Suit Jacket ( bought for £4 as part of a suit) with a fur shawl over the top- £15 H&M
Tan Leather Bag LK Bennett it's the Monica bought for a ridiculously low price, workers perks!! 

Also at the moment I has pink tips to my hair although I'm going to have to et rid of it for work tomorrow or maybe try and disguise it some complicated twisted!! lol! :)

And I surely can't forget the finishing touch the LK Bennett Shoes their called Olive and aren't they beautiful!!! :)

So please keep your fingers crossed for me! much love!! x x x